Explain the Neolithic Revolution and its significance. (You learned this over a year ago and it will probably be on the Regents Exam).
Information On The Neolithic Revolution:
The Neolithic Revolution was a major turning point in the world because before this event, humans would hunt animals and gather food in order to survive. They would migrate to deferment places and never get settled in one area because of the climate and food supply. Later on these humans got better skills at cropping and had better techniques.
The Neolithic Revolution had an immense influence to society from the period after 9000 BCE when ground and polished stone tools were mostly used, through the Great Leap Forward, to the foundation of civilization. During the Neolithic Revolution, families had more leisure time then they did before because, they started to harness nature by planting crops and domesticating animals for food, instead of always going out and hunting for food. In the process of shifting from hunting and gathering to farming, people laid the foundations of a centralized government, religion, and the development of writing. The formation of civilization in this world would have been unattainable without farming.
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