Sunday, April 15, 2007

Film Lesson- "The Right Stuff"

How were the US and the USSR competing in the film "The Right Stuff"? Explain who was winning the competition. What scenes from the film will help you remember this Cold War event.

In the Film "The Right Stuff" there was two kind of countries competing against each other. They were the U.S. and the USSR (Soviet Union), they were trying compete by seeing which of them had the best astronuants and rockets. They did everything they needed too, so they can get their best results. The U.S. send a monkey to go out of space and go around the earth of servel times before they can send a human, this helped them because a monkey has traits close to a human. Later on about a few weeks later the USSR (Soviet Union) send a human instead of a monkey to go out of space and it made the U.S. look bad because they got to send a person out before America did. But even if the USSR (Soviet Union) were ahead of us we still got to win the competition because we had better technology that was expanding more and we had some of the best trained astronuants working for us which did a better job then them, plus we went even farther than them in space. That made our abilities greater then theirs.

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